Design of Self Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for Robot Manipulators

Design of Self Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for Robot Manipulators

Sunil Kalshetti 1, Dr. Shantanu Dixit2

Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning . 2022 October ; 3(2): 17-23. Published online October 2022

Abstract : This paper intends to design and develop an adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller (SMC) for robotic manipulator. Since it is not viable to pair the SMC operations with the system model every time, this paper adopts a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) to replace the system model. It effectively achieves the experimentation in two phases. Accordingly, in the first phase, it attains the accurate features of the system model based on varied samples to characterize the robotic manipulator. In the second stage, it represents the derived fuzzy rules based on adaptive fuzzy membership functions. Moreover, it establishes the self-adaptiveness using Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) to attain the adaptive fuzzy membership functions. The analysis distinguishes the efficiency of the adopted technique with the optimal investigational scheme and the traditional schemes such as SMC, Fuzzy SMC (FSMC) and GWO-SMC. Moreover, the comparative analysis is also performed by including the noise and validates the effectiveness of the proposed and conventional models.

Keyword : Sliding Mode Control; Robot manipulators; Controller; Noise;