Anuradha T 1, Sharavani 2, Veena 3, Arpita 4
Abstract : Nowadays due to their busy schedule people leave their parents alone at home and stay abroad. Due to this there is rapid need for care taker one who looks after old aged people like their near and dear ones efficiently. So, this is need to design and implement efficient robot one who take care as human. Efficient user-friendly robot for aged and physically disabled people is designed and developed that is capable to take care of senior citizens in terms of their health monitoring systems. Communicates patients through camera and interacts them by knowing the patients temperature, SPO2, heart rate and room temperature. We address the creation of user-friendly robot for aged people and physically disabled in a proper indoor environment. We propose a design based on multimodal robot which take care of the aged and physically disabled people. Robot allows the user to specify in a natural way, in which it helps in health monitoring, obstacle avoidance, gas leakage detection & communication. The knowledge which we gain in this robot is that to plan and execute effective personal take.
Keyword : Gas leakage detection, Health monitoring, IOT communication, obstacle avoidance.