P.Maragathavalli 1,Aishwarya Devi.V 2, Bhuvanesh.D 3, Manikandan.S 4
Abstract : The healthcare sector is one of the largest focus areas in the world today. Individuals are becoming increasingly susceptible to lifestyle diseases. Hospitals and clinic are the most widely used place by the patients to consult doctor and get treated. People consider it as the most reliable means to check their health status. But in this way of approach for treatment the patients need to wait for a long time to consult the doctor which makes them more sick . In order to avoid such situation we came up with the idea of medical diagnosis chatbot in which user can interact with the Artificial Intelligence chatbot , to analyze the disease based upon the symptoms and with the MRI scan report.
Keyword : DNN, imagenet, inceptionV3, machine learning, mobilenet, MRI scan images.